This attractive creature exists in a protected area known as an SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest), and it’s places like that which can bring on moments of culinary reflection. The food industry, particularly the one geared towards meat, can leave you sceptical in this increasingly enviro-friendly world we live. The mistreatment of cattle, sheep and chickens in the mass production of battery eggs are sure ways to encourage a frown.
We can assure you that all of our sources are well researched and as ethically friendly as society will permit. When it comes to food it’s not just a case of wowing our customers but spreading the good word – quality food comes from happy animals! And after the preparation comes the hog roast Banstead execution. I recently watched a programme where a generous helping of bellied pork was poorly cooked and came out of the oven almost soggy. Upon viewing the awful lump which could barely pass as food I was instantly reminded of how superior our specimens are. Unless you’ve got a good relationship with a butcher you can never be too sure about a cut of meat.
We would happily go under oath in proclaiming our pork to be beyond comparison. And all of it would taste good. Many places have lost their reputations through making the mistake of believing that good ingredients will see to themselves. Ingredients are akin to an imperfect formula that constantly needs tinkering. It’s important to remember that nothing tastes exactly the same, and no two people like exactly the same thing, so amends must be made for the general palate. In this sense we’re not unlike seismologists who need to keep an eye on tectonic plates.
A Hog roast hire Banstead is liable to spark that competitive fire in Chef & Griddle, because weaved between the fancy shops are restaurants with good reputations, and good reputations come from busy restaurants. It’s interesting to note that restaurants may also hire us and that we’ve had numerous places of high repute attempt to pick our brains after they’ve sampled our juicy and aromatic offerings.
Soon enough folks who learnt of us via such occasions have booked us for the privacy of their own homes. It’s often the case for future customers to see us feeding people in the hundreds and get intimidated. You need not worry about excess. We are accustomed to dealing with parties of five just as we are dealing with throngs in the thousands. Further your menu can be planned to pin-point specificity prior to commitment. We will take note of exactly what you want whilst permitting you enough leeway for last minute adjustments. If you wish to stage your own hog roast hire Banstead then we are just as supporting of that as we are of taking the lead, but make sure that you have adequate cooking apparatus. Cooking has evolved from a necessity to a science. Placing a hog above a bed a burning coals may lend it that old-school effect but there is the ever-present danger of unevenly cooking a chuck of food that doesn’t come cheap!
A few people have shared their stories of woe, and I am never less than surprised to hear of their terrible seasoning techniques. In essence, cooking a pig is simple, but so far have we come that the subtle difference that sculpt the finished product jumps out at me like a clown during a Nuremberg rally. Even for the confident few; lest we forget that age-old wisdom isn’t to be trifled with. The true oracles of hog roasting are 11 digits away.