Hog Roast Bodmin
Everybody loves a mystery. Maybe it’s a particularly British thing, what with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie etc... it would seem to be in our blood. And of course, the more bizarre the mystery the better it becomes. Of course, not all great mysteries are those that that have been committed to print. What about those mysteries that have built up over the years that have become part of the British way of life? The Loch Ness Monster is one perfect example. Is there really a Nessie or is it all just a myth? The stories of some dinosaur like water dwelling monster make for great stories and the tourists no doubt love it all (as do the shops who sell the Nessie merchandise) but is it real? Scientists have done a fair bit of extensive and expensive investigation over the years but there is no sign of Nessie just yet. I hope Nessie is real and I’m sure millions more do, too.
Another great mystery is the Beast of Bodmin Moor. This is the large wild cat like creature that is believed by many top prowl the terrain on Bodmin Moor. Some think it could be some leopard like wildcat while others have far more fanciful ideas as to the creature’s origins. Again, no-one has proved or disproved the mystery of the Beast of Bodmin Moor, but one day...who knows.