Hog Roast Bridgwater

There are many festivals and carnivals celebrated throughout the world. Rio does quite a good one, so I believe, but I wonder if it can really match the Guy Fawkes Carnival held in Bridgwater each year? The carnival is believed to date back to the Gunpowder Plot back in 1605, thus the Guy Fawkes reference. Some would question the wisdom of naming a celebration after someone intent on destroying parliament, though there would be many these days who would be more than happy to see the politicians disappear. Maybe this Somerset market town of some thirty odd thousand people has a bit of a rebellious side, but then again maybe it just likes to be a bit different, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with that.
Being different is something that you definitely could not say about a lot of party and event food over the years. Since the late seventies, it seemed that much of the UK was stuck in something of catering rut, where nothing seemed to change much at all. Go to a function or special occasion where food was being laid on and you invariably were served with the same old selections. Some people may be more than happy with this repetition but for the more adventurous diner, a ‘special occasion’ should have something..well, special rather the same old tired and boring options.