Hog Roast Chipping Campden
Now, just think for a minute about how we all take things for granted these days. Not just the obvious things like TV, mobile phones, the internet or even the microwave, more the things that we simply accept as normal. Architecture is just one example. Consider the town where you live, the chances are that you walk past the same buildings every day without thinking about the building itself, nor thinking how wonderful it may happen to be. It’s a terrible shame because the United Kingdom is blessed with truly wonderful architecture that is the envy of the world. Take Chipping Campden for instance, the charming Gloucestershire town that is home to some two thousand people. There is one particularly striking piece of architecture there, namely the charming terraced High Street, something which many residents simply walk past every single day.
It is such a shame when such a contribution is made to the look and design of a place yet it is simply accepted as ‘the norm’. The same could be said of an old British Medieval dish, the hog roast. Hog roast seemed to suffer from a similar case of passive acceptance for many decades. Despite it being the food of kings and queens, lords and ladies and all manner of important people over the centuries, hog roast seemed to fade away from the big occasion. In fact, ten years ago you would probably have struggled to find a caterer who would serve hog roast at an event. But times have certainly changed and the hog roast Chipping Campden event is very definitely back on the agenda.