Hog Roast Cobham
St Andrew’s church may look like any other religious setting. Upon closer inspection this 12th century building is odds-on to leave an impression on you. The surrounding grass is lovingly maintained, out of which stand tombstones that are attractively free of vegetative damage. Meandering pathways lead you around the splendid structure which boasts a rich red roof and solid grey tower. The lively brickwork and impeccably crafted arched windows speak of a place that is of general (not just holy) importance. Originally cast in Norman times, visitors get a whiff of that historical pedigree.
It is the centre piece of a town both visibly and economically rich. My stand out memory regarding a hog roast hire Cobham involved a group of former football players. It’s a bit of well-known trivia that many Chelsea players reside in Cobham; these gentlemen weren’t quite as prestigious as those boys but there was no doubting their ability as they used a combination of feet, heads and shoulders to keep the ball airborne for an impressive amount of time. When I asked them whether they’d ever had a hog roast Cobham before, I was surprised to hear them reply in the negative. The house we pulled up at, while not overwhelming, was sizeable and well kept. After a few more moments I got the impression that their pockets were well-lined, and so our services must have made the same deficit in their bank account as hotdogs do to your average Joe’s.