Hog Roast Halifax
It is a little odd how some town names sound like they belong in their county. I don’t know why that is the case but it just seems to be, and Halifax is one such example. Halifax just sounds so typically Yorkshire. What is also typical of the town is that it is a true sporting town with a strong interest in rugby league and football as well as many a famous name coming from the area. Remember John Noakes from Blue Peter? Well, he is from these parts, as is Tom Bailey, lead singer of the eighties hit band Thompson Twins. Maybe there are some more famous names to come from the eighty two thousand other people who call Halifax their home town?
Of course, you may also be aware that John Mackintosh, the famous confectioner, comes from Halifax, and his work carries on to this day, but some other culinary favourites have struggled to maintain their popularity, or at least we thought they had. Hog roast is one such dish that springs to mind. Hog roast is a bit of ghost from our Medieval past and one that everyone thought had faded away into food catering obscurity. But something changed. About ten years ago, hog roast started to make a slow comeback. Every now and again, hog roast would make an appearance at a party or an event. The hog roast Halifax event was upon us and more and more parties, events and special occasions saw sandwiches, hot pot and chicken replaced by first class roasted pig. The hog roast Halifax caterer was now becoming that talk of the town.