Hog Roast Sindlesham

Have you ever thought about starting your own little business? Well we can help you do just that let us introduce our selves we are Hog roast Sindlesham catering and we are the party people! We cater for your guests at parties throughout the UK and hog roasting is what we do. We also have another side to the business Hog roast hire Sindlesham where we hire out our machines and you can hire one and host events just like us! And this side of the business has proven to be a huge growing success. We can deliver one of our machines to you anywhere in the UK and you can keep if for as long as you want. We also can bring with us the pig! And we will let you have the pig at cost price now that is good! We will also bring you a gas bottle and a dvd to show you how to operate the machine which to be honest is so simple. All you need is the event. We have three guys who regularly come back to us as they have all started to profit from using our machines for events, they hire a pack from us machine, pig and gas and then advertise and have been receiving orders obviously it is only small events but they are making profit, and we think this is so good, we also have regulars who book from us regularly when they go camping in the summer we have travelled in the middle of the countryside the actual middle of no where to drop a machine off once to a camping party, but that is the beauty of our machines they can be used anywhere. If you are hosting a larger event or you simply cant be bothered then you can hire us Hog roast Sindlesham catering will give you a day or night you will never forget!