Hog Roast Todmorden
The town of Todmorden is a borderline sort of town. What do I actually mean by that? Well the town itself is more or less dead on the Lancashire and Yorkshire border, though it is actually considered a Yorkshire town. Not that this seems to matter, as Todmorden is still a vibrant place and home to some fourteen thousand people.
Back in its heyday, Todmorden was one of the leading mill towns and at one point was home to the world’s largest weaving shed but that and most of the signs of the mill history are long gone. That said, there are signs of a new revolution sweeping this part of Yorkshire and it is a craze that is making itself felt across the UK, too. This is no cotton or industrial craze but something a lot more wholesome, tasty and enjoyable for everyone involved in it. Welcome to the hog roast Todmorden revolution.
Okay, revolution is a strong word and makes one think of all sorts of political causes, and this certainly is not of that magnitude, but to those that have suffered the terrible experience of having to endure terrible event catering, this hog roast hire Todmorden revolution is something that they would rightly consider to be long overdue!
We have all been in the same boat, I am sure. We get an invite to a special event, maybe a friends big birthday bash or a wedding. Maybe a work based corporate entertainment event. You put on your glad rags and you expect to have a great time – and you probably do – but one thing often lets the whole show down and that is the most unimaginative catering that is almost always served at these events. I know times are tough but the budget for the catering at many events is seemingly non existent! There simply is no excuse for lousy catering, as I am about to explain.