Having been a corporate caterer for near enough three decades now, we at Hog Roast Manchester have had the fortune of working with so many incredible businesses and clients in the UK. From the largest networking events in major UK industries, to making our first successful events with some of the leading brands not only in this nation, but around the world too, to being there at the outset of some of our most valued local partners when they took their first steps into the corporate world as a new, independent business. It has been a joy to be your corporate caterer for three decades.
When our founding team started out on this venture we could never have quite imagined the success that would come our way. The team were used to catering the odd business event in amongst the more common private parties and then weddings, once we were more established, but we could never quite have the expected the extent to which our corporate catering would have been drawn out. We have established so many partnerships over the last thirty years, made so many incredible dishes for many an important client, and catered for thousands of industry heads and professionals across some of the biggest industries in the world. And yet, even after thirty years, we reckon we’re only just getting heated up now!
There is still so much more we are hoping to achieve in the corporate catering world. We have the well-earned reputation of quality and professional service confidently established now, but now that just means it is time to build even further upon that reputation. As the nation’s number one hog roast caterer, we have so much more we can add to your corporate events going forward. We have even more exciting ways to challenge your dining; we have even more openings for partners to become synonymous with the quality of Hog Roast Manchester; we have even more events we want to cook for. If you own a business or have the resource for your department, then consider joining the Hog Roast Manchester catering train today. We’ve got plenty of experience behind us, and even more fresh enthusiasm laying ahead – so come get cooking with us!