

Catering assignments are governing the lives of those who work beneath the gleaming and shimmering banner of Hog Roast Caterer. Committing ourselves solidly within the sphere of food deliverance, we are succeeding, as we do every year, in wowing our clients with food of epic magnitude. As always with our food and menus, the end results look, smell and taste simply beautiful. The improvements have been made, as always, within our capacity and our machine technology. Now, with a larger team and one that is even better equipped than the team the team last year, we are committing ourselves to hundreds of catering assignments more than possible last year.

Just today, we have been overjoyed to welcome a Mrs Stine Dahlberg into our ranks, as she came by to visit us at our command headquarters. Overjoyed by the quality and lavish style which we exerted at her private party venue, she simply loved the way in which we conducted the operation. Stating that it was the finest food which she had eaten since she was a young girl in Sweden, she said that our conduct was an inspiration to all caterers out there. Mrs Dahlberg had a good look at our hub of creations, and was lucky enough to see us operating one of our machines. The machine was in operation in order to test some new seasonings on our hogs. These delicately balanced flavours are exceptionally important, and can help massively in the pursuit of brilliant flavours. She loved it, and we loved her.