We were catering for a birthday party at the weekend and a very important birthday it was too! a 21st birthday for a lovely young lady who had just recently graduated from University and about to become an Accountant her very proud parents wanted to throw her a lovely party a double celebration to wish her well also in her chosen career. One hundred family and fiends gathered in her garden as we arrived and set up the machine we had a nice pig and placed him on the machine to roast the guests mingled and enjoyed a champagne reception as the meat cooked and the girls parents both gave a very moving speech. Hog Roast made some salads and dressings as the meat cooked and we were so proud of all our efforts as the guests tucked into the food we placed the meat into sandwiches and made some lovely apple sauce which was really refreshing and really complimented the meat. We also made a lovely dip made with lime one of our chefs new inventions we always love to come up with new ideas and it gives us so much pleasure to see our guests faces as they taste a new recipe and especially when they like it! After the food we cleared away and the band started to play and we were really impressed a lovely folk band, which were actually family of the girl and boy were they good! We also got a slice of cake each, which was exquisite! The girls mother is a baker and the cakes was so moist and scrumptious we got chatting and she mentioned that she made some wonderful buns and supplied lots of shops in the area she asked if we would like to try one of her buns and we said yes they were delicious we tend to make our own and to be honest we have been looking for a baker for a long time and we shook on a deal for her to supply our buns, we do get great perks with our jobs!