Beach Wedding

Hi everybody its time for another blog from the Spitting Pig team.  So why not make yourself a tea or coffee sit back, relax and take five minutes out of your hectic day to catch up with the Spitting Pig team. 

My name is Cassie and I am one of the hog roast catering chefs and today its my turn to bring you another excellent blog.  Its Thursday the 21st of July 2011 and I have just returned from our factory where our hog roast machine are designed, manufactured and sent out.  I like to visit the factory whenever I get the chances to keep up to date with the changes and developments in the industry and its always great to talk business with the hog roast machine team. 

Today I had the pleasure of meeting up with Garth, our leading design technician.  Garth (known to many as the machine magician…. and not because of his card tricks but because his machines work like pure magic!) is expert in the hog roast machine industry and has won the company several awards thanks to his amazing engineering skills and extensive knowledge of the industry.  He has also designed personalised hog roast machines for some top names in the catering industry as well as some A list celebrity chefs.  What Garth doesn’t know about hog roast machines isn’t worth knowing so its always great to hear his thoughts and ideas as well as get feedback on how the machine side of the business is growing and developing.