Hog Roast Stevenage

Hog roasting in Stevenage could date back thousands of years as man has lived in the area since about 200,00 BC. Technically this could make the hog roast Stevenage as much a part of traditional regional food as the Stevenage Lobby. This raw heritage makes it the ideal place for slowly cooking a pig on a spit, especially given the increased demand for traditional English food with the rise TV cooking shows. With the popularity of these cooking programmes everyone now thinks of themselves as a food critic, making the job of the chef a constructive challenge. Properly seasoning a whole pig is always going to be difficult, but with the years of experience our chefs possess hog roast Stevenage offer the whole package. The cooks have a vast array of culinary prowess and some might say this experience is best used when cooking up a menu that's an original customer request.
The hog is slowly roasted on a Spit Rotisserie until the meat is juicy and tender with this This way of cooking being as old as the hills. However, the name “Spit Rotisserie” was used first back in 15th Century France when the device was operated by a servant boy. People will flock round when the fire starts as the thrill of a hog roast Stevenage sparks something inside which will keep a party entertained all night. We are able to cater for a massive variety of events, offering a range of 20 menus to cover any needs which may arise.